Romania's capital city, Bucharest, displays an elegant past that, after 40 years of communism and corruption, is now reaching levels of decay that may defy renovation. Over the past ten years, I have tried to create a parallel between the image of Princess Brianna Caradja, whose aristocratic family was driven out of Romania by politics, and of the capital city that is crumbling both physically and socially. With my journalistic background, I attempt to mirror the forgotten, ignored grandeur of both the physical and social institutions of my homeland.
Romania's capital city, Bucharest, displays an elegant past that, after 40 years of communism and corruption, is now reaching levels of decay that may defy renovation. Over the past ten years, I have tried to create a parallel between the image of Princess Brianna Caradja, whose aristocratic family was driven out of Romania by politics, and of the capital city that is crumbling both physically and socially. With my journalistic background, I attempt to mirror the forgotten, ignored grandeur of both the physical and social institutions of my homeland.
Romania's capital city, Bucharest, displays an elegant past that, after 40 years of communism and corruption, is now reaching levels of decay that may defy renovation. Over the past ten years, I have tried to create a parallel between the image of Princess Brianna Caradja, whose aristocratic family was driven out of Romania by politics, and of the capital city that is crumbling both physically and socially. With my journalistic background, I attempt to mirror the forgotten, ignored grandeur of both the physical and social institutions of my homeland.
“Impressions” is a photo series that reflect my recent fascination with symbolism in architecture. Cities everywhere have a presence, an energy, a story. Feeling part of that story makes me feel at home, as if I belong. As a recent immigrant to Texas, and to Houston, I don’t have a personal history here. I find myself still looking to the city for those connections, and those symbols. I feel at once welcomed and shunned; amazed, and unimpressed; on the inside track, and yet often excluded. I think these photos touch the tentative relationship I have with Houston: a beautiful, vibrant city filled with movement, color and texture.